Series & Title: SEAL'ed, Book 1: Honor
Authors: Andi Jaxon & AJ Alexander
Find Andi Here: Website | Facebook | Twitter | Goodreads | Amazon | Bookbub | Instagram | Pinterest
Find AJ Here: Facebook | Twitter | Goodreads | Amazon | Bookbub | Instagram
Publisher: Andi Jaxon & AJ Alexander
Release Date: June 27, 2018
Genre: Contemporary, Military, Romance
Hosted By: HEA PR & More
Logan has been running from a death bed promise for years, but he’s finally decided to face his fears and claim his forever. Now all he has to do is convince her to take another chance on love.
Katie buried her husband and made peace with never finding a love that strong again. But when a smooth talking cowboy asks her to dance, fireworks explode, leaving them both desperate for more.
However, their happiness is darkened by a secret – the secret of who he really is.
Have you ever been chased by a ghost? Well, I have been running from one for the last four years. However, unlike most ghosts, this one has been chasing me toward something, or should I say someone, not away from them.
“Corpsman! We need the Corpsman!”
That’s my queue. I go running from behind the brush. This isn’t my first brush with death this tour, and I’m sure it won't be my last.
I finally reach my team, yes team. I am not just any Corpsman, I belong to the Naval SWCC Team 5. I thought I was tough shit, but little did I know, I didn’t know shit.
“Cowboy, It’s Cruise. He’s been hit pretty bad.”
Fuck, anyone but Cruise. You see, Cruise is my best friend and the husband to the love of my life. I don't have time for that story right now, I’ve gotta save this fucker's life. Not just for him, but for our girl.
“What the fuck, Cruise?! Your call sign wasn’t enough to make the ladies drop their panties? You had to go and get shot up, so you have some badass scars to add to the package?”
I try to make jokes, but man, there is a lot of fucking blood. I hear all the guys in the background trying to reassure him, telling him that he’s going to be alright and make it home to Katie.
“Make room, assholes! I need to work. Hot Hands, grab that tourniquet and wrap it around the top of his leg, we need to stop the bleeding. Stop staring at him like he’s gonna die. We’re all gonna get out of here and share a beer. Get your lazy ass over here and put some pressure on the wound. Someone find a fucking ETA on our EVAC. We should have been out of here already. What the fuck are they waiting for?”
I keep working on Cruise with the team’s help when Kasper grabs my shoulder to get my attention.
“I don’t want to hear a fucking thing unless it’s good news.”
Kasper gives me one of his shit-eating grins, “Well then, listen up, ETA is 2 minutes or less.”
“It’s about goddamn time! Let's prep Cruise for transport.”
I keep shouting orders to all the guys and eventually, we get him all strapped in and ready for transport. As the transport is landing, Cruise grabs my hand.
“Cowboy…” Cruise whispers.
“Cruise, I need to get your dumb ass onto this chopper and back to Katie. Save your strength.”
“Logan. Listen to me.”
Fuck, I hate when he uses my name. He thinks he’s going to die, I WILL NOT let that happen.
“Ryan, whatever you’re going to say, save it. You are not going to die, I won't let it happen. You will be back with Katie, showing all the ladies your scars in no time.” I try to chuckle, but I know he sees right through me.
“Alright, you win, but if for some reason I don’t. You better go and get our girl, you hear me? I would never trust her with anyone but you.”
They say you’ll know when it’s your time to go, well Ryan knew. He didn’t even make it off the chopper. I want to say I got off that chopper and did exactly what my best friend asked, but I did the exact opposite. I walked right into the CO’s office and asked for a transfer. I've been running from Ryan’s last wish, and the love of my life, ever since.
Now you’re all probably thinking ‘what asshole falls in love with his best friend’s wife’? Before you decide to tar
and feather me, listen to the story. Ryan and I met when we entered BUDs training to become Navy SEALs. We both knew we wanted to join the Navy, so we joined right out of high school. We also happened to have the aptitude for the SEALs, so of course, we wanted to have the prestige that goes with it, not to mention the ladies.
We’re all given call signs at some point, mine was Cowboy given my southern twang, the need to call every female Darlin, and I wear a cowboy hat. Ol’ Ryan was called Cruise because he was a smooth operator with the ladies. In all honesty, all he had to do was smile, and they were begging him. Sometimes fighting to let him get into their pants, that is, except Katie.
We met Katie while we were at Jump School in San Diego, CA. She was born and raised there. She’s 5’4 with gorgeous
blonde hair, grass green eyes, and curves for days. Yes, curves, she’s not a toothpick that I could clean my teeth with. She had meat on her bones, so I know that when I stick my dick in her pussy, I won’t bruise my hips. God, how I
would dream about sinking between the dripping folds of her pussy and how she would taste if I ever got my mouth on her, but Katie only had eyes for Cruise. So, like any real man, I let my friend have his girl. After training, I tried
to fuck her out of my system. However, I discovered no matter whose pussy I was in, I imagined it was Katie. So eventually, I concluded that I would just wait it out. Either I will find someone else to love, or my hand and I will become better acquainted.
Like any best friend, Ryan knew, but he never gave me a hard time about it. He respected my need to stay away, and I
respected their relationship. I kept in touch with Ryan via email and letters when we were on rotations, but I just couldn't bring myself to see them together. However, after a few years, I was finally assigned to the same unit as good ol’ Cruise. I don't know if it was fate or if he was just tired of me hiding from him.
So just like that day, he has chased me back. There is no hiding any longer, destiny had me by the balls so to speak.
After volunteering for every mission possible I had no choice but to come back to San Diego.
Now, here I am, drinking a beer at our favorite hangout, The Mission, finally ready to claim our girl. I haven’t seen
Katie in almost eight years. I’ll be surprised if she remembers me, I hope she doesn’t because I shouldn’t look anything like the snot nose kid she met all those years ago.
“There she is,” I say to my buddy Charlie as I take a swig of my beer.
“Holy shit, you weren’t lying, she is a BIG girl.”
“Charlie. If you didn’t save my life a time or two, I would kill you right now.” I growl, “If I ever hear those goddamn words come out of your mouth again, I will break your face. Do you understand me, boy?”
I don’t have to yell. Charlie knows I’m serious. God, she is just as gorgeous as she was back then. There’s a sadness
in her eyes now that wasn’t there before, but I’ll make that go away. Ryan gave me a job to do, and I plan to do it if it’s that last thing I do.
I chug the last of my beer and throw some money down on the table. I wink at Charlie and the rest of the guys, “Don’t wait up boys. I’m going to get my forever.”

Andi Jaxon
Raised all over the country, I'm an interesting mix of East Coast meets West Coast with a little bit of Southern thrown in, just for good measure. I married a sexy man in uniform who let me spawn and am now raising a mutinous army of hell raisers that I created myself, all while he defends our country. I drink too much coffee until it's late enough to drink too much wine and am sexually frustrated for your freedom. If you see me online, I'm probably sitting in a closet, hiding from my kids.
AJ Alexander
Fluent in sarcasm, Supernatural, and song lyrics, I like talking to people and finding what makes them tick, though that probably has to do with the Psychology degree. I’m up before the sun because my kids don’t sleep, chugging tea and coffee to keep my eyes open and my brain semi functional. Being married to a man in uniform means I’ve lived a lot of places, survived seeing my husband for half the amount of time I’ve been married, and spent a lot of time raising my kids alone.
I love to write messed up psychos with lots of angst, happily ever afters that have to be worked for. Women with sass and backbone, men with a twisted hero complex and the need to control are my favorite to read as well as write.
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